No. 71 (2021): Number 71 - June 2021

The simplex method of linear programming as applied to a furniture distribution company

Carlos Ernesto Flores-Tapia
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Karla Lissette Flores-Cevallos
Universidad de Cádiz

Published 2022-01-04


  • Linear programming – Analysis – Methodology,
  • Simplex Method,
  • Systems analysis,
  • Operations research,
  • Production management

How to Cite

The simplex method of linear programming as applied to a furniture distribution company. (2022). Entorno, 71, 22-33.


This research applies the simplex method of linear programming (LLP) in the target business, with the purpose of obtaining a maximum profit in the sales of its Stars products. Once the problem is defined, the objective function and the restrictions are established; then, the mathematical model is processed by using the Excel Solver software, and the optimum solution is achieved. This means that, given specific circumstances in relation to resource availability, an optimal profit is calculated by modifying the restrictions in the maximization problem initially posed. This study demonstrates that the simplex method is useful in contrasting hypotheses that contribute to institutional decision-making, particularly, in complex scenarios like the existing one due to the sanitary crisis caused by COVID-19.

Keywords: Linear programming – Analysis – Methodology, Simplex Method, Systems analysis, Operations research, Production management