No. 70 (2020): Number 70 - December 2020

The contributions of health teams in the prevention of violence and the promotion of health of adolescent males in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Débora Tajer
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Graciela Reid
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Mariana Gaba
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Mariana Gaba
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Juliana Fernández-Romeral
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Lucía Saavedra
Universidad de Buenos Aires
María Eugenia Cuadra
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Mónica Solís
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Alejandra Lo Russo
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2021-05-28


  • Gender violence – Prevention – Buenos Aires, Argentina,
  • Androcentrism – Buenos Aires, Argentina,
  • Health services - Buenos Aires, Argentina,
  • Abused adolescents - Prevention - Buenos Aires, Argentina

How to Cite

The contributions of health teams in the prevention of violence and the promotion of health of adolescent males in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. (2021). Entorno, 70, 99-109.


The research Project “Gender barriers in the prevention and health care of adolescent males: practices and meanings of users and health professionals,” has as its primary objective to update the state of the art about the health of male adolescents from a perspective of gender, collective health, and subjectivity, in order to produce elements for the establishment of preventive actions in this Feld, as seen from the rights on health perspective. One of the hypothesis stated in this research points out the existing lack of identification and promotion of the early detection of risky behavior linked to the construction of masculinities that can be consolidated during adolescence. This puts young males (and the women and men around them) at risk of specific dangers and vulnerabilities. As part of the findings, this research contributes specific elements to see health consultations as an opportunity to generate strategies which promote alternative and preventive behaviors in terms of gender violence, especially that of a sexual nature. Some findings showed that both the health professionals´ lack of preparation to take adequate care of male patients, and the scarcity and absence of specific guided models, programs and materials from a gender perspective--and towards the prevention and health care of young males-- represent an obstacle for their well-being. On the other hand, the possibility for adolescent males to quit risky behaviors is closely related to the opportunity for these young men to be given alternative satisfactory and valuable choices.

Keywords: Gender violence – Prevention – Buenos Aires, Argentina, Androcentrism – Buenos Aires, Argentina, Health services - Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abused adolescents - Prevention - Buenos Aires, Argentina.