No. 66 (2018): Number 66 - December 2018

Symbolic violence in the work environment of teachers at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (University of San Andres), La Paz – Bolivia

Valentina Rosario Alarcón-Velasco
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés de La Paz

Published 2018-12-01


  • Stereotype (psychology),
  • Sociology of education,
  • Violence,
  • Work environment,
  • Patriarchal structures

How to Cite

Alarcón-Velasco, V. R. (2018). Symbolic violence in the work environment of teachers at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (University of San Andres), La Paz – Bolivia. Entorno, 66, 76-86.


In the current research different forms and expressions of symbolic violence, which are usually hidden in society, were identified and analyzed under the theoretical and conceptual approach of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. These are exercised on women who are teachers and university authorities who currently occupy or occupied hierarchical positions at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) La Paz, Bolivia. The social formation of a contempt, discrimination and segregation against the academy constituted by women was confirmed and this influnces the configuration of the political structure of the aforementioned university. A social reproduction of the patriarchal structures that undermine social and institutional relations in the University was found. In order to reach these results, an integrated methodological approach, called quantitative-qualitative methodology was used, focusing mainly on achieving a greater understanding and explanation of the study conducted. With the quantitative methodology, it was possible to demonstrate the numerical differences of gender, based on the data obtained with the support of the Department of statistical information systems of the UMSA; thus the study deepened thanks to the application of tools and techniques of such methodology. Specifically, a semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted with 13 female professors from all University faculties.; the openness of the interviewees to address such a delicate and personal topic as that presented in this research work was appreciated.


Keywords: Stereotype (psychology); Sociology of education; Violence; Work environment; Patriarchal structures.



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