No. 13 (2022): Revista de Museología "Kóot"

Father Marino Johannes Braspenning (1916-1997) : biography

Published 2022-01-01


  • Braspenning, Marinus Johannes 1916-1997 – Christianity – Biographies,
  • Priets – Biographies,
  • Catholic church – Biographies,
  • Missionaries – Religious life

How to Cite

Rivas Arévalo, E. (2022). Father Marino Johannes Braspenning (1916-1997) : biography. Kóot, 13, 67-79.


In this short biography, the author follows a chronological journey through the life of Marinus Braspenning, in his search to find a purpose in life and the right place to exercise his missionary work. The author does not seek to sanctify him or give him messianic qualities; on the contrary, his purpose is to give him a place in relation to the society that Father Braspenning chose: that from Ilobasco. It was in that society where he developed his social bond, leaving his footprint, the evidence of his presence in the people of his parishioners. In Ilobasco he was honored by the foundation of an educational center bearing his name, and which educational work is currently part of their daily life: many young people study and graduate from the private school “Priest Marino Braspenning” every year.

Key words: Braspenning, Marinus Johannes 1916-1997 – Christianity – Biographies, Priets –Biographies, Catholic church – Biographies, Missionaries – Religious life