No. 12 (2021): Revista de Museología "Kóot"

Hawking answers great questions the Philosophy of Stephen Hawking. A simple remark on the book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”

Eduardo Badía-Serra
Academia Salvadoreña de la Lengua

Published 2021-01-01


  • Astronomy - Questions and answers,
  • Cosmology - Questions and answer,
  • Space and time - Questions and answers,
  • Science - Questions and answers,
  • Existence of God - Questions and answers,
  • Metaphysics - Questions and answers,
  • Hawking, Stephen - Philosophical
  • ...More

How to Cite

Badía-Serra, E. (2021). Hawking answers great questions the Philosophy of Stephen Hawking. A simple remark on the book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”. Kóot, 12, 8-23.


The author analyzes the answers that Stephen Hawking gives to what he calls “big questions” in his posthumous book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”. The approach given in this book holds a great philosophical temper--at the margin of his scientific expression-- in honor to the tone with which the great British scientist takes care of such matters. We could say that it is an analysis of Hawking´s philosophical thought, which, of course, he tries to place within the sharpest edges of science. He always thought that science plays a definite role in the resolution of the problems faced by humans and the universe; he even affirms that science is the only one who could provide said answers. In this book, he tries to answer them.

Keywords: Astronomy - Questions and answers, Cosmology - Questions and answers, Space and time - Questions and answers, Science - Questions and answers, Existence of God - Questions and answers, Metaphysics - Questions and answers, Hawking, Stephen - Philosophical thought.