No. 10 (2019): Revista de Museología "Kóot"

Heliconias : an anthropoecological project

Reynaldo Antonio Rivas
Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador

Published 2019-01-31


  • Heliconias,
  • Atropoecology,
  • Cultural anthropology,
  • Ecology


This article describes the origins, the existence and the work of the socioecological project Heliconias, which mission is to restore common houses applying an anthropologic perspective. The headquarters of this project are located in the municipality of Ilobasco, Department of Cabañas, El Salvador. At present, it already has more than 15 ecological projects; it has opened the frst ecological park in Ilobasco, and it is training teachers and students from at least 12 schools where it is developing a basketball league. Its cross axes are Ecology and Humanization.

Keywords: Heliconias, Atropoecology, Cultural anthropology, Ecology.